Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Getting Publicity for Your Work at Home Business

Getting publicity for your business is very different from marketing your business. When you market your business, you control your message and try to persuade people to buy from you. Marketing can include things like paid advertising, attending a trade show, direct mail campaigns, and your newsletter.

Publicity is convincing others to talk about you, instead of you talking about yourself. It's something you earn, not something you pay for. Instead of convincing people to buy from you, publicity informs people about the newsworthiness of you and your business, from an objective point of view.

Marketing is important because it helps to build your brand. Publicity helps the public to trust you. But to get this kind of attention, you have to make yourself newsworthy.

Publicity usually begins with a press release that you send to media outlets and online press release sites. It includes being interviewed in magazines and newspapers, being interviewed on radio or TV, having popular bloggers blog about you – and any other way that people can tell others about your business.

Here are some ways you can make yourself newsworthy and generate free publicity for your business. Use one of these ideas to get started, or come up with an idea of your own, then send out a press release about your news.

- Prove that a myth or stereotype about your business is wrong.
- Why did you start your business? If you started your business because you didn't think anyone else was doing a good job in your industry, that can be a newsworthy story.
- Has your business experienced a setback and survived? Write a story about your comeback and send it to the media.
- Do you have an eco-friendly home business? Write about how you’re helping the environment.
- Sponsor a local community service project that relates to your business.
- Offer surprising facts about your business. What is a little-known fact about your industry that people would be surprised to learn?
- Close down your business for a day and spend the day doing charity work with your family. Invite other home business owners to join you!

Get as creative as you want. Making your business newsworthy just takes a little bit of imagination and inspiration.

Monday, November 10, 2008

How to Market Your Home Business in Forums

Forum marketing is a valuable way to get your work from home business noticed by your target market, and to build relationships with others. A forum is basically a discussion board where you can connect with people who share your interests.

When you join a forum, you can create a signature line and add it to each post you make. If you make interesting and informative posts, people will click on the link in your signature and visit your website to learn more about you.

Some forums have a section where you can post ads for your business. Most of the time though, members won’t read your ad unless you're active on the other parts of the board. You need to show the other members that you are there to help them, not just to attract new customers or clients.

When you're looking for a forum to join, you can ask your online friends where they like to go, or do a Google search for the specific type of forum you are looking for. If you're joining a forum to market your business, you'll want to find one where your target market spends their time.

For example, if you have an eco-friendly home business, you should look for a forum that caters to people who are concerned for the environment. If you sell candles, look for people who are interested in decorating their homes. If you're a web designer for small businesses, search for forums where small business owners spend their time.

You don't need to join a lot of forums to be a good forum marketer. It's more important that you are active in the forums you join on a regular basis. Be selective and choose forums that will be a good investment of your time.

One of my favorite forums is the one at Moms United in Business, At MUIB, we support each other both as mothers and as business professionals. We discuss things like business issues, blogging, parenting, and relationships.

I would love for you to join me there! You will make some new friends, and you might even find some new clients.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

How to Solve Common Work-at-Home Problems When You Have Children at Home

Click here to read the article.

Do You Want To Work From Home?

How to Find the Right Direct Sales Company

If you've decided you want to work from home by doing direct sales, finding the right direct sales company to work with can be difficult. There are so many different kinds of companies to choose from.

Here are some things you should look for when you want to find the right direct sales company for you.

Before you begin your search, examine your needs and those of your family. Write down the goals you have for your business. What does your family need you to get out of your business? Decide how much time you will have to work, how much money you need to make, and what things interest you. These are all important factors in choosing a direct sales company.

Once you have decided what you need, search for a company that suits your interests. For example, if you’re concerned for the environment, you might want to look for an eco-friendly home business. If you love jewelry, you could consider joining a jewelry company.

The compensation plan is another important part of choosing a business to join. How will you be paid? You don’t want to join a company that pays a only small amount in commission. You’ll also want to find out how far down your downline you will receive commissions. The more levels down you make commission on, the more money you can earn.

You'll also want to find out how the company allows you to build your business. Can you build it online and have your own website? Or do you have to strictly sell person-to-person?

This can be an important factor when choosing your business. If you have to leave your home to work, that might be difficult to do if you have small children. But if you prefer working with people face-to-face, you might not want to work with a company that wants you to work solely online.

It may take some time to find a direct sales business that meets all your criteria, but once you do, you will know you've found the perfect direct sales business for you.